Monday, March 11, 2024

The Many Emotions of An All Time High Bitcoin Price

 BITCOIN PRICE: $71,720.00

FEAR AND GREED LEVEL: 82 - Extreme Greed


So today I’m admittedly struggling. All my life I’ve felt like I’ve lived a life that wasn’t meant for me. My formative years were spent poor. I was handed poor habits and a poor mindset by people who didn’t know any better. Growing up I thought that my only chance at becoming the person I always wanted to be was through bouncing a ball. So I poured everything I had into it. My entire childhood was spent trying to become the best basketball player possible as quickly as possible to change my life and my family’s life as quickly as possible. Looking at the circumstances I’ve overcome so far many would say that I am wildly successful. Even judging myself by what I thought was possible as an adolescent, I would’ve called myself wildly successful. But in reality I am still a slave. 

I don’t control my own time. A system tells me when to sleep, when to rise and how to spend my time. I find myself frustrated often. You would think I would be ecstatic about my main investment thesis being impossibly correct, but I’m dejected because in my heart I know I’ve allowed another chance at true freedom to pass me by. I allowed myself to be distracted by society’s thoughts of what it means to be an investor. I was distracted by my misguided understanding of risk and what was a safe investment and what was not. I allowed distractions to ruin my first real chance to make my first million dollars. When I look at the amount of money, time and energy I’ve put into real world ventures I realized that I missed a chance at the freedom I’ve always seeked because I put my time, effort and attention in the wrong place. 

Most investors would be proud to have turned $5000 into $30,000 over a relatively short period of time. It’s hard for me to appreciate that because crypto was my smallest allocation and the bulk of my time effort and attention was wasted. One different decision would’ve caused me to put $120,000 into crypto during the bear instead of $5,000. With Bitcoin reaching all time highs and the rest of the crypto market surging it allowed me to take stock of all of my financial energy and realize it was misplaced. It hurts, and that’s why I’m choosing to write about it today.  I have hope that I still have the rest of the bull market to make significant gains and no matter how much I’m able to leave with this bull run. I’ll know that it was my smallest allocation that should’ve been my largest.

It saddens me to know that I will likely never see $20,000 Bitcoin again and at 32 years old I still have lots of time to make that first million. But this one slipped right through my hands, like it was water almost. I write these threads because I know that I will eventually become the person I’ve always seen myself as and I want people to be able to follow the story. All of the pain and agony that came before I developed a piece of software that will rise in value FOREVER. I know my life’s work, I hope that these snippets can live on the internet forever and inspire people I may never get to meet. This is me sincerely realizing I missed a chance to make my first million and taking stock of what caused me to miss it. We all have the God given ability to create whatever we want. There’s enough money for everyone to have as much as they want. I want everyone that benefits from my idea to know that I’m not special, I’m just determined. I’m determined to make hundreds of millions of dollars and enrich others along the way. I wish you success and safety on your journey.

- All Hail The New World Bankers

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The Many Emotions of An All Time High Bitcoin Price

  BITCOIN PRICE: $71,720.00 FEAR AND GREED LEVEL: 82 - Extreme Greed EMOTIONAL STATE: Dejected So today I’m admittedly struggling. All my li...